I came to Northwest Arkansas, July 2015, as a single mom who worked in the woods for the Department of the Army. I'd spent years not paying attention to my appearance. I'd worn uniforms my entire career and suddenly I was thrown into the, "Corporate America", lifestyle.

Admittedly, I looked frumpy & old. I dressed like a grandma, and I didn't fit in at the office. After several failed attempts at finding a decent stylist (each was rated, "NWA'S Best", by YELP), I stumbled upon Andrea. 

Her skills are surpassed only by her personality, kindness, compassion, HONESTY, and love for her craft. She was honest about her prices, the tiredness of my current style/color, the condition of my hair, and my lack of "after-salon" hair skills. 

Andrea, even though injured, wearing a walking boot, & using a knee scooter, began my appointment around 6pm. She worked with me until well after midnight!

She didn't stop at giving me beautiful hair. Andrea SCHOOLED me in all 360 degrees of style. She didn't try to make money off of me by shoving unnecessary products down my throat. She provided samples, educated me about why each product she recommended was best, how to use each product, and the many ways each product could be used. She taught me how to curl my hair properly, blow dry it properly, keep my style fresh for days to come, and was even a bit of a personal therapist!

If you book an appointment at, "Haven Salon & Spa NWA", don't expect much. EXPECT THE BEST! You will NEVER need to look for another stylist. She is a master at her trade and goes above and beyond in every way for her clients.

-Ginger Glover
